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Feel ready to
breastfeed your baby

 âœ” Evidence-based education

 âœ” A gentle, natural approach

 âœ” Gentle, natural approach

 âœ” Trusted by 46,000+ Women

Join the beautiful breastfeeding program

As many as 80% of mothers stop breastfeeding before they want to.

That's because, for many women, breastfeeding starts off tough and only gets tougher.

â–¶ Nipple pain


â–¶ Low volume


â–¶ Reflux and colic


â–¶ Breast engorgement


â–¶ Mastitis


â–¶ Fast flow

The Thompson Method is a gentle, natural approach that helps prevent or overcome common breastfeeding complications.

When it comes to breastfeeding, many women don't know what they don't know.

With proactive education and support from The Thompson Method Beautiful Breastfeeding Program, you will:

Breastfeeding Support

✔Feel in control of your labour, birth, and breastfeeding journey, even in the event of a planned or emergency C-section.


✔Rely on your own maternal instincts and trust yourself, your body, and your baby.


✔Know that your partner is prepared to support your breastfeeding goals from the start.


✔Understand the instinctive approach to breastfeeding and allow your baby to latch comfortably. 


✔Establish and maintain your breast milk supply so you can provide the best possible nutrition for your baby, for as long as you choose.


✔Maximize your chances of being able to breastfeed without complications, even if you can't begin immediately after birth.

Pregnanacy advice and guidance
The best time to focus on breastfeeding is before your baby arrives.

Three good reasons to skip past "wait and see"...


â–¶ Postpartum can be overwhelming.

Adding a tiny one to your life is a big transition! You'll be navigating new norms and learning so much on the fly. By learning to breastfeed now, you'll be able to enjoy the journey instead of worrying about it.


â–¶ You'll soon have less free time.

It's no secret that newborns require time and energy—all of which are in short supply in those early days and weeks. Use the "extra" time you have now to grow your knowledge and confidence.


â–¶ Early complications can derail breastfeeding.

Mothers who experience complications in the early hours and days of breastfeeding are more likely to give up before they want to. With advanced preparation, you're less likely to experience those complications.

the beautiful breastfeeding program

Access the course material anywhere, anytime. Forever.

 Breastfeeding Club
24/7 VIP Support Group

Gain lifetime membership to our private support group supported by Dr Robyn and her team. Access live Q&A sessions, and feel your confidence build as you engage with this passionate, vibrant community of empowered women.

How to Become Fully Prepared 
for Breastfeeding

Use Dr Robyn's downloadable master and template to create your own birth and breastfeeding plan, and learn the common hospital interventions that can unnecessarily complicate breastfeeding.

 The Prenatal Sessions

Learn about the progress of labour and how to avoid or handle unexpected outcomes. Plus, get suggestions on how to involve your partner in labour, birth, and breastfeeding.

 The First 72-96 Hours

Understand how breastmilk is produced, so you never have to worry about your supply, and know what to do immediately after birth so you're less likely to have to feed your baby formula and more likely to begin your breastfeeding journey pain-free.

General Breastfeeding

Learn a gentle breastfeeding position—one that may be quite different from what you've been taught! And rest assured: It works well even in unique circumstances, such as with large breasts, inverted nipples, and twins.

How to Sustain Breastfeeding

Discover key principles to reducing volume-related complications and understand how to regulate your milk volume if any challenges arise.

 Relieving Painful Nipples

Learn a gentle positioning method to help avoid or relieve painful, grazed, or damaged nipples—even if you've previously experienced nipple pain or trauma.

Customer Reviews

Still Have Questions?

Let's schedule a free 15-minute call so you can get all the information about us.

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