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Thompson Breastfeeding Method?

Thousands of women around the world are empowering themselves by preparing for their labour, birth and breastfeeding journey…. our mission is for you to be next

how to overcome breastfeeding problems

What Is The Thompson Method Breastfeeding?

The Thompson Method is a gentle, evidence-based method towards a gentle birth and pain-free breastfeeding experience. It was created by Dr Robyn Thompson, a midwife with over 45 years of experience who was awarded a PhD for her research into why so many women were being discharged from the hospital with painful nipple trauma and other breastfeeding complications such as engorgement & mastitis.


The Thompson Method challenges the forceful techniques, linked with painful nipple trauma, that are commonly taught in most hospitals.  It’s for ALL women who want to breastfeed, but particularly those giving birth in the hospital system because it offers a gentle alternative to help women AVOID the most common and painful breastfeeding complications.

But it’s more than just the technique on how to get a good latch.  It is that, but it’s so much more.  It’s having the knowledge to understand that what happens during your labour and birth will significantly influence your breastfeeding journey.


It’s understanding how breast milk is produced so that you have the confidence to trust that your breasts will nourish your baby without fear of low supply.  


​It’s about being empowered to feel that you are in control of your labour, birth and breastfeeding experience. 

It’s the awareness that nipple shields, bottles, teats and dummies (pacifiers) will also impact on your breastfeeding journey.  

And at the very foundation of this gentle, evidence-based method is a very powerful belief...

A belief that every woman and her baby is unique.

It’s a belief that every baby will be born in its own time; not at the convenience of hospital policy.

It’s an understanding of the importance of the first breastfeed and that routine procedures should not interrupt or delay this precious time between a mother and her baby.


It’s having respect for the strength of one woman to give birth to her baby, with full support of how incredible both she and her baby are.


When you adopt The Thompson Method along with the thousands of women who’ve also embraced this method to give birth to and breastfeed their babies, you will reduce the risk of common complications such as nipple trauma, breast engorgement and mastitis.   You will also increase the likelihood of being able to bond with your baby and breastfeed pain-free for as long as you choose.

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