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Breastfeeding Rescue: Take control of your breastfeeding journey

Many new mothers find themselves facing challenges and asking questions about breastfeeding. The questions range from concerns about low milk supply to worries about baby's weight gain, or even doubts about how long a feeding session should last. Let's dive into some of these common queries and provide some reassurance and guidance.

Common Concerns and Queries

These are some of the common questions and concerns that new mothers, or even experienced ones, come across during their breastfeeding journey:

💔 "I am a first-time mum and my baby has been super unsettled and crying."

💔 "My baby is not gaining weight! I think I have low milk supply!"

💔 "Should a 4-month-old baby be on the breast for 10 minutes per side?"

💔 "My baby is 5 weeks old and only feeds from my right side and refuses the left side. Has anybody had trouble with milk supply?"

💔 "Hello, I am new to breastfeeding. I need tips to breast pump and how long to pump for?"

💔 "My baby is unsettled, cries, and has reflux. I think he has a tongue tie!"

💔 "My baby clicks on the breast and has reflux. She is suspected of having a tongue tie."

💔 "This is my second baby and I experience pain while breastfeeding. I do not want to quit. What shall I do?"

💔 "My baby spits up after every feed, I think I have high milk volume. How do I slow it down?"

The Solution: Empowered Mothers

These are all valid concerns, and it's completely normal to have questions and doubts. The good news is that there are resources available to help you navigate this journey. One such resource is Empowered Mothers, a program designed to help you regain control of your breastfeeding journey, even in the face of complications.

Regaining Control of Your Breastfeeding Journey

Our program is proven to alleviate physical, mental, and emotional discomfort, enabling you to nurse for as long as you desire. The program offers personalised 1-to-1 consultations that are tailored individually to you. We address all your breastfeeding queries and provide you with the necessary guidance and support.

Book Your Breastfeeding Rescue

Don't let uncertainty or discomfort rob you of this precious time with your baby. Reach out for the support you need. Book your breastfeeding rescue with Empowered Mothers today and take back control of your breastfeeding journey.

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 for more tips and support on your breastfeeding journey


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