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If you're having trouble with breastfeeding...

You are not "failing"

The Thompson Method online program can help you continue to breastfeed your baby for as long as you choose full of confidence and free from pain.

 âœ” A gentle, natural approach

 âœ” Evidence-based education

 âœ”  24/7 guidance and support

 âœ”  Immediate, lifetime access

Breastfeeding complications are common. 
You can
overcome them.

For many women, breastfeeding starts off tough and only gets tougher...

â–¶ Painful, cracked, and/or bleeding nipples


â–¶ Concerns about low milk supply


â–¶ Engorgement and/or mastitis


â–¶ Difficulty with expressing


â–¶ Flat or inverted nipples

â–¶ Challenges related to C-section or twins

â–¶ Small or large breasts or hyperplasia


â–¶ Tongue- or lip-tie concerns


â–¶ Fussy, distracted, or sleepy baby


â–¶ Colic or reflux


â–¶ History of breast surgery


â–¶ Past breastfeeding complications

Boss Mug

Reclaim control of your breastfeeding journey.

With evidence-based guidance and gentle support from The Thompson Method Breastfeeding Program, you will:

Increase your breast milk volume, gently and gradually.

Learn how to relieve and reduce the risk of painful nipples. 

Feel confident and in control of your breastfeeding journey. 

Discover the most comfortable breastfeeding position for you and your baby.

Know how to express your breast milk without discomfort, either by hand or with a breast pump.

Maintain your breast milk supply so you can provide the best possible nutrition for your baby, for as long as you choose.

Proud Parents

Customer Reviews

The information contained on this website provided via courses or consultations or any linked resources are for educational purposes and are not intended to replace health, midwifery or medical care, nor is it intended to be (or should be taken for) medical diagnosis, advice, treatment or a cure or prevention of any disease or illness. Never disregard professional health or medical advice or delay in seeking medical treatment whether due to information obtained from this website or otherwise.

Please also be aware that this information is not intended to offend anyone who may have chosen to receive or been administered opiate pain relief or experienced induction of labour.

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