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Dr Robyn Thompson

Meet Dr Robyn Thompson

Meet Dr Robyn Thompson the woman who has dedicated her life to helping thousands of mothers nourish, bond and connect with their babies through pain-free breastfeeding. 

Dr Robin Thompson Biography

More than 45 years ago, I started working as a midwife. My children were both at school and the time had come for me to pursue my passion.  I loved nursing and had built a solid foundation of knowledge and experience.  However, I was drawn to Midwifery.  It was my calling.


My own breastfeeding experience was uncomplicated. I had no education.  It just happened. However, my birth experience was different and I encountered some very stressful situations, even as a nurse. I also endured the anguish and heartbreak of a stillborn baby.


I commenced my midwifery career in the hospital system and enjoyed a fulfilling career for 20 years. By chance, I was invited to attend a home birth in my local community. I didn’t even know it was a thing!  I was immediately hooked and went on to become a homebirth midwife for 25 years.


Being my inquisitive self, I began to notice something. So many women were coming to see me after being discharged from the hospital experiencing painful breastfeeding complications when the women I was working with at home were not. Why was this happening?  I made it my mission to find out WHY.


I spent many years visiting women in their homes helping them overcome these painful complications. I realised that something I was doing was different to what was happening in the hospital system. And it seemed to be working. With their permission, I had diligently taken notes on these fantastic women, which later became the basis of my PhD research.


My research clearly showed that women were being rushed through the system and whose babies were being forced to their breasts, often resulting in painful nipple trauma.  This gave me the confidence to question what was happening and to suggest alternative ways of breastfeeding that were more gentle and intuitive.


After being awarded a PhD (at the age of 70), my work evolved into the Thompson Method and with the guidance of my daughter created the Thompson Method Breastfeeding Online Program.  


I’ve now been blessed with being able to help thousands of mothers around the world avoid and overcome painful breastfeeding complications, bond with their babies and build beautiful connections that last a lifetime, through our online education. 

Click the button below to start your beautiful breastfeeding journey with Nida Manan certified Thompson Method breastfeeding practitioner. 

Up Close & Personal

Watch the in-depth interview of Dr Thompson to understand her journey to becoming a super mother we needed 

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