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Breastfeeding Problems

Get Back on Track with a Thompson Method Breastfeeding Rescue

The Thompson Method Breastfeeding Rescue is a private one on one online consultation with Me (Thompson Method Breastfeeding Practitioner) and is proven to help you relieve physical, mental or emotional pain so that you can continue on your breastfeeding journey.

Breastfeeding Rescue

Why choose Breastfeeding Rescue?

You feel like giving up, but you don’t want to

You’ve tried multiple Lactation Consultants with little or no success

You’re not ready to be done with

breastfeeding yet

You need gentle one on one

guidance and support

You want to transition from using a nipple shield back to the breast

You’re experiencing painful nipples

You’ve been pumping day and night to try to increase your milk volume

Your baby is crying and unsettled and you just don’t know what to do

You’d like your own unique plan so that you can continue to breastfeed

You want to continue bonding with your baby for many more months to come

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Video Testimonials

Maeve Testimonial
Breastfeeding Challenges

Customer Reviews

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