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Get to Know Me
and My Journey

breastfeeding support

Nida Manan BSc Hon, TMBP

Nida Manan BSc Hons, TMBP


I have a degree in Pharmacology and over 10 years of experience in the healthcare environment as a Pharmacy Technician, dedicated to patient care.


After struggling to breastfeed my first child, I was able to pain-free breastfeed my second baby successfully for 24 months after learning the beautiful Thompson Method.


Following my experiences through pregnancy with and without the Thompson Method, I understood the need for this knowledge and understanding about pregnancy and breastfeeding to be available to all mothers. It has become my passion and goal to help women achieve pain-free breastfeeding and a beautiful birth experience which is why I chose to become a Thompson Method Breastfeeding Practitioner.


I had a difficult experience with labour, birth, and breastfeeding with my first child. I could only breastfeed my baby for 3 months alongside formula milk which caused my baby girl gastrointestinal problems, she suffered from reflux and stomach pain.


Having been induced which led to further complications. Induction made my pain 10 times worse than normal. Due to this, I had all interventions to relieve my pain in the form of pethidine, epidural, gas and air. My baby was born with the effects of the opioids and I could not achieve my 3 Golden hours. It took me days to get back to normal.

breastfeeding challenges

I was taught the cross-cradle breastfeeding technique along with the use of nipple shields. My whole experience of labour, birth and breastfeeding was completely controlled by the system. I doubted my maternal instincts. I was advised by the hospital system to introduce formula milk as my daughter was suffering from jaundice and I am not producing enough milk. I left the hospital with nipple trauma.


I came across The Thomson Method Breastfeeding program during my second pregnancy through social media. I purchased the program and I must say this was my best decision. This program has given me the knowledge and confidence to believe in my maternal instincts. I breastfed my second baby for 2 years, we shared unforgettable memories and achieved a beautiful bond.  Not only did I achieve a beautiful breastfeeding journey with my baby boy but I was also able to help women in my circle with the knowledge I gained from the program. Understanding the profound effect this has on the development of a baby I was inspired to become a part of The Thompson Method breastfeeding academy.

The information contained on this website provided via courses or consultations or any linked resources are for educational purposes and are not intended to replace health, midwifery or medical care, nor is it intended to be (or should be taken for) medical diagnosis, advice, treatment or a cure or prevention of any disease or illness. Never disregard professional health or medical advice or delay in seeking medical treatment whether due to information obtained from this website or otherwise.

Please also be aware that this information is not intended to offend anyone who may have chosen to receive or been administered opiate pain relief or experienced induction of labour.

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